Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie (Zeitschriftenheft)

Allgemeine Angaben


Claudia Polzin-HaumannWolfgang Schweickard

November 2016
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Thematik nach Sprachen
Literaturwissenschaft, Sprachwissenschaft


Der Themenkreis der Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie umfasst die Sprachwissenschaft in ihrer ganzen Breite sowie die mediävistische Literaturwissenschaft und die Editionsphilologie. Publikationssprachen sind Französisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch, Italienisch und Rumänisch sowie Deutsch und Englisch. Es erscheinen vier Hefte im Jahr.

Prof. Dr. Claudia Polzin-Haumann, Saarbrücken
Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Wolfgang Schweickard, Saarbrücken

Éva Buchi, Nancy
Daron Burrows, Oxford
Steven N. Dworkin, Ann Arbor
Maria Iliescu, Innsbruck
Franz Lebsanft, Bonn
Fernando Sánchez Miret, Salamanca
Luca Serianni, Rom
Friedrich Wolfzettel, Frankfurt am Main

Christian Schweizer, Saarbrücken



Atti del convegno internazionale «La filologia romanza oggi: esperienze a confronto / La philologie romane aujourd’hui: à la croisée des expériences» (Université de Lausanne, 5–6 novembre 2015). A cura di Lorenzo Tomasin e Mattia Ferrari

Parole d’introduzione

Sviluppo storico e situazione attuale della «Romanische Philologie» in Germania

This contribution seeks to define the concept of Romance philology («Romanische Philologie») from the perspective of the German-language tradition. Special attention will be given to the linguistic aspects of the subject. The individual sections focus on the situation of Romance Philology in Germany from an institutional point of view, on traditional and more recent research trends, on methodological approaches and on the question of what languages are used or should be used by German-speaking Romance philologists in teaching and research.

La philologie romane en Suisse. Du cas particulier à l’exception

In the academic landscape of Switzerland, the existence and place of Romance philology may, at first glance, appear traditional, that is, conforming to its German origins. In reality, however, there is a Swiss approach to Romance philology, which appeared with the introduction of the discipline to the University of Zurich in 1872. The present article provides a retrospective of the arrival and activities of Gustav Gröber, the first to hold the Chair of Romance Philology in Zurich, as well as the emergence of a Swiss model, distinct from its German mould. Included in the annex is a selection of documents from the archives of the University of Zurich relating to the Chair of Gröber.

«Philologie romane […] un titre excellent et significatif». Qualche considerazione rapsodica dal Belgio francofono sull’inattualità di una disciplina attuale

One of the most important challenges for European integration is the strengthening of the sense of a European cultural identity. The investigation of the origins of the European culture is at the core of the Romance Philology, a discipline that has a very prestigious tradition, but that seems now inexorably destined to disappear. How can we explain this paradox? In this paper, I will investigate the status of the Romance Philology in the French-speaking Belgian universities, with particular consideration for the initial stage, the establishment of the discipline at the University of Liège at the end of the nineteenth century.

La filologia romanza in Italia: come rinnovare una tradizione?

The prestigious tradition of Romance Philology in the 20th century Italian academic world needs to be reconsidered and renewed; at the same time, the reasons and targets of this discipline (which used to bring together a wide range of competences and perspectives) need to be reshaped. In my paper, I will discuss six major points, outlining strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats: the focus on the Middle Ages, which implies being both fashionable and marginal; the focus on textual culture more than on the models offered by literary theory (sometimes with an excessively narrow point of view); the excellence of textual criticism and manuscript studies (with the risk of not being understood outside Italy); the marginal role of historical linguistics (with the exception of lexicography); the boundary between comparative literature and anthropology; European culture (past, present, and future) as a context and an opportunity for medieval romance studies.

La filología románica en la España actual: ¿disolución o transversalidad?

During the last twenty years, Romance Philology in Spain has suffered a serious setback. This fact is due to several factors: the hispanocentrism of its origins, the later supremacy of English language as well as of other cross-cutting disciplines, the fall in students demand, the atomization of each language and literature in different degrees, and, finally, the cultural policy of governments and academic authorities to the detriment of the Humanities. In front of this complex situation, it is necessary to recover the most cross-cutting essence of the Romance tradition, drawing on some of the proposals done by Curtius and Auerbach and in the advances made by the theories of knowledge.

La prassi nordamericana della filologia materiale

This essay examines the origins, principles and recent developments in material philology as a branch of Romance philology, especially in the fields of Old Occitan, Old French and early Italian, in the United States. The study begins with a clarification of the distinctions between the short-lived ideology of New Philology and the long and continuing practice of material philology both as an interdisciplinary method and in its relationships a) with developments in Romance philology in France and Italy from the late 1960s to today and b) with significant advances in the fields of codicology and visual perception, the latter led by the work of experimental psychologists James Gibson and Irvin Rock. Considering a fusion of these advances, the essay concludes with brief examples of the application of material philology – particularly its use in isolating historical-critical accretions – in pivotal manuscripts of Dante’s Vita nova, Petrarch’s Rerum vulgarium fragmenta, Guittone d’Arezzo’s song cycle of the Trattato d’amore, and in the fusion of notarial and poetic writing systems in the Memoriali bolognesi.


La voz catalana merç, del latín merx, -cis, y algunos de sus derivados en la documentación latina medieval del territorio de habla catalana

This paper explores the medieval Latin documentation of the Catalan territory for information on the Catalan terms that come from the Latin noun merx, -cis. First, as Joan Coromines suspected, it confirms the existence of a Catalan noun merç ‘merchandise’, although in masculine; its first appearance is attested in 1083 and the word has two meanings, ‘rights on markets’ and ‘taxes on merchandise’. Secondly, the first appearance of mercer, noun derived from merç, has been established in 1067. And finally, this corpus shows the creation, without any continuity, of the Latin noun mercerius from the Catalan mercer.

Non è solo questione di norma. Una nota sull’imperfetto controfattuale

This contribution deals with the various verbal morphology in the Italian counterfactual conditionals (the so-called periodo ipotetico dell’irrealtà). Starting from the inventory of all the possible combinations with the imperfetto indicativo that appear in these constructions, it will be shown that the variability of the mood and tense forms is not merely a matter of norm, but that there are clear-cut mechanisms which regulate such variability. Specifically, some peculiar combinations often marked as familiar or, simply, non-standard, are not always possible, but are depending on the actionality of the verbs (telic or atelic) being present in the protasis and/or the apodosis.

Il glossario italo-turco contenuto in un codice fiorentino del XVI secolo

The codex Ashb. 1547 of the Biblioteca Mediceo-Laurenziana of Florence contains a substantial lexical and phraseological Italian-Arabic glossary, with two additional short chapters regarding Greek and Turkish. The manuscript, unpublished so far, probably dates from the 16th century and is anonymous; from the internal data, we can infer that its author was a merchant of Venetian origin, who lived in Egypt for a while. It has to be pointed out that the texts in the various languages are all written only in the Latin script. This paper deals with the Italian-Turkish part of the codex, which comprises words and phrases concerning greetings and buying and selling, as well as a series of numerals. The Turkish lexical corpus is first presented in alphabetical order, if necessary comparing single entries to those of other Transkriptionstexte or of literary Ottoman; in a second step its graphematic, phonetic and morphological features are examined.


Andrea Landvogt, Discours cités. Eine äußerungs- und erzähltheoretisch fundierte Typologie der Redewiedergabe am Beispiel von Gustave Flaubert (DOROTHEA KULLMANN)

Philipp Krämer, Die französische Kreolistik im 19. Jahrhundert. Rassismus und Determinismus in der kolonialen Philologie (KATRIN PFADENHAUER)

Roberto Galbiati, Cantare di Camilla di Pietro canterino da Siena. Storia della tradizione e testi (SERGIO VATTERONI)

Ronnie Ferguson, Le iscrizioni in antico volgare delle confraternite laiche veneziane. Edizione e commento (FRANCESCO CRIFÒ)


Hava Bat-Zeev Shyldkrot / Silvia Adler / Maria Asnes (edd.), Précis et imprécis. Études sur l’approximation et la précision (OLGA INKOVA)

Andre Klump / Johannes Kramer / Aline Willems (edd.), Manuel des langues romanes (FRANZ LEBSANFT)

Andreas Kablitz / Ursula Peters (edd.), Mittelalterliche Literatur als Retextualisierung. Das Pèlerinage-Corpus des Guillaume de Deguileville im europäischen Mittelalter (FRIEDRICH WOLFZETTEL)

Elina Suomela-Härmä / Juhani Härmä / Eva Havu (edd.), Représentations des formes d’adresse dans les langues romanes / Representaciones de las formas de tratamiento en las lenguas románicas / Rappresentazioni di forme allocutive nelle lingue romanze (GUDRUN HELD)

Philipp Krämer (ed.), Ausgewählte Arbeiten der Kreolistik des 19. Jahrhunderts. Selected Works from 19th Century Creolistics. Emilio Teza, Thomas Russell, Erik Pontoppidan, Adolpho Coelho (KATRIN PFADENHAUER)

Martina Drescher (ed.), Médias et dynamiques du français en Afrique subsaharienne (FRANK JABLONKA)

María Pilar Garcés Gómez (ed.), Los adverbios con función discursiva. Procesos de formación y evolución (ANGELA SCHROTT)

Sabine Heinemann / Luca Melchior (edd.), Manuale di linguistica friulana (JOHANNES KRAMER)


Maurilio Pérez González / Estrella Pérez Rodríguez (edd.), Influencias léxicas de otras lenguas en el latín medieval / Influences lexicales d’autres langues sur le latin médiéval / Lexical influences of other languages on medieval latin (JAN REINHARDT)

Anne-Marguerite Fryba-Reber / Pierre Swiggers (edd.), Karl Jaberg: linguistique romane, géographie linguistique, théorie du langage (RICCARDO REGIS)

Josep Maria Nadal Farreras / Anne-Marie Chabrolle-Cerretini / Olga Fullana Noell (edd.), L’espace des langues (FRANK JABLONKA)

Ludwig Fesenmeier / Sabine Heinemann / Federico Vicario (edd.), Sprachminderheiten: gestern, heute, morgen / Minoranze linguistiche: ieri, oggi, domani (LUCA MELCHIOR)

Rainer Schlösser (ed.), Sprachen im Abseits. Regional- und Minderheitensprachen in Europa (EDUARDO BLASCO FERRER)

Wolfgang Dahmen / Günter Holtus / Johannes Kramer / Michael Metzeltin / Wolfgang Schweickard / Otto Winkelmann (edd.), America romana. Romanistisches Kolloquium XXVI (JAN REINHARDT)

Frank Brandsma / Carolyne Larrington / Corinne Saunders (edd.), Emotions in Medieval Arthurian Literature. Body, Mind, Voice (FRIEDRICH WOLFZETTEL)

Craig Baker / Mattia Cavagna / Annick Englebert / Silvère Menegaldo (edd.), Le Miroir de Renart. Pour une redécouverte de Renart le Contrefait (DARON BURROWS)

Dorothea Kullmann / Shaun Lalonde (edd.), Réécritures. Regards nouveaux sur la reprise et le remaniement des textes, dans la littérature française et au-delà, du Moyen Âge à la Renaissance (FRIEDRICH WOLFZETTEL)

Wendy Ayres-Bennett / Thomas M. Rainsford (edd.), L’Histoire du français. État des lieux et perspectives (LAURE GRÜNER)

Oreste Floquet / Gabriele Giannini (edd.), Anglo-français : philologie et linguistique (IAN SHORT)

André Thibault (ed.), Le français dans les Antilles. Études linguistiques (JAN REINHARDT)

Cesare De Michelis / Gilberto Pizzamiglio (edd.), Le lezioni di Vittore Branca (MATTHIAS BÜRGEL)


Geneviève Hasenohr, Textes de dévotion et lectures spirituelles en langue romane (France, XIIe–XVIe siècle), assemblés et revus avec la collaboration de Marie Clotilde Hubert, Sylvie Lefèvre, Anne-Françoise Leurquin, Christine Ruby et Marie-Laure Savoye (WOLFGANG SCHWEICKARD)

Philipp Burdy / Moritz Burgmann / Ingrid Horch (edd.), Scripta manent. Festschrift für Heinz Jürgen Wolf (JAN REINHARDT)

Vasco da Silva / Andrea Rössler (edd.), Sprachen im Dialog. Festschrift für Gabriele Berkenbusch (ALEJANDRO GONZÁLEZ VILLAR)

Thede Kahl / Johannes Kramer / Elton Prifti (edd.), Romanica et balcanica. Wolfgang Dahmen zum 65. Geburtstag (LUCA MELCHIOR)


Maria Colombo Timelli / Barbara Ferrari / Anne Schoysman / François Suard (edd.), Nouveau Répertoire des mises en prose (XIVe–XVIe siècles) (FRIEDRICH WOLFZETTEL)


Thede Kahl / Michael Metzeltin, Sprachtypologie. Ein Methoden- und Arbeitsbuch für Balkanologen, Romanisten und allgemeine Sprachwissenschaftler (WOLFGANG SCHWEICKARD)

Margherita Lecco, Storia di Haveloc e di altri eroi: antologia del romanzo anglo-normanno (XII–XIII secolo) (DARON BURROWS)

Douglas Kelly, Machaut and the Medieval Apprenticeship Tradition. Truth, Fiction and Poetic Craft (DEBORAH MCGRADY)

Elmar Schafroth, Französische Lexikographie. Einführung und Überblick (STEPHEN DÖRR)

Nikolaus Schpak-Dolt, Einführung in die französische Morphologie, 4., durchgesehene und ergänzte Auflage (WOLFGANG SCHWEICKARD)

David A. Pharies, Breve historia de la lengua española, Segunda edición revisada / A brief history of the Spanish language (WOLFGANG SCHWEICKARD)

Marita Liebermann / Barbara Kuhn, Einführung in die italienische Literaturwissenschaft (SUSANNE KLEINERT)

Rosanna Sornicola / Paolo Greco (edd.), La lingua dei documenti notarili alto-medievali dell’Italia meridionale. Bilancio degli studi e prospettive di ricerca, con la collaborazione di Giovanna Pianese (JAN REINHARDT)

Rosanna Sornicola, Bilinguismo e diglossia dei territori bizantini e longobardi del mezzogiorno. Le testimonianze dei documenti del IX e X secolo (JAN REINHARDT)


ALI – Autografi dei letterati italiani online, (MATTEO MOTOLESE)

Un tezaur cultural on-line: Biblioteca Digitală a Bucureştilor, <http://www.digibuc.ro> (CRISTINEL MUNTEANU)


(Stand: 31. Juli 2016)



Ersteller des Eintrags
Christian Schweizer
Mittwoch, 21. Dezember 2016, 14:12 Uhr
Letzte Änderung
Samstag, 24. Dezember 2016, 09:14 Uhr