Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie (Zeitschriftenheft)

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Claudia Polzin-HaumannWolfgang Schweickard

November 2017
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Thematik nach Sprachen
Literaturwissenschaft, Sprachwissenschaft


Der Themenkreis der Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie umfasst die Sprachwissenschaft in ihrer ganzen Breite sowie die mediävistische Literaturwissenschaft und die Editionsphilologie. Publikationssprachen sind Französisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch, Italienisch und Rumänisch sowie Deutsch und Englisch. Es erscheinen vier Hefte im Jahr.

Prof. Dr. Claudia Polzin-Haumann, Saarbrücken
Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Wolfgang Schweickard, Saarbrücken

Éva Buchi, Nancy
Daron Burrows, Oxford
Steven N. Dworkin, Ann Arbor
Maria Iliescu, Innsbruck
Franz Lebsanft, Bonn
Fernando Sánchez Miret, Salamanca
Luca Serianni, Rom
Friedrich Wolfzettel, Frankfurt am Main

Christian Schweizer, Saarbrücken



Vitalidad y revitalización de las lenguas indígenas en México: desafíos y perspectivas en el siglo XXI
Coordinadoras: Julia Montemayor Gracia y Ulrike Mühlschlegel

Introducción y acercamiento a la vitalidad y revitalización de las lenguas indígenas en México

Pasado, presente y futuro de las lenguas originarias de México. Un esbozo sociolingüístico

This paper sketches out a number of sociolinguistic themes regarding Mexican indigenous multilingualism, exploring a global sociolinguistic framework to understand the possibilities of continuity of Mexico’s indigenous languages and their different challenges. In pursuit of an understanding of Mexican indigenous sociolinguistic complexity a series of theoretical and methodological as well as historical and empirical traits, together with our own revitalizing efforts vis-à-vis key institutional contexts, are investigated. For this purpose, case study research findings are highlighted (e.g. Nahuatl), findings which also represent different poles of the language shift-retention continuum (e.g. Kiliwa versus Yucatec Maya).

U túumben bejilo’ob maayat’aan: los nuevos caminos de la lengua maya. Entre pérdida y revitalización

The aim of this article is to outline the new paths of the Maya language in the Yucatan Peninsula. The author identifies the linguistic and extra linguistic factors that are causing a decline in the domains of use of Maya, despite it being a very widely spoken language in Mexico. This article also reviews different stages in the history of the Maya language, in order to show how it came to be a language in frequent contact with other languages. Changes within the language and in the linguistic awareness of its speakers have led to new efforts in its revitalization and in the creation of new functional domains which may help it gain back status, it may also lead to the creation of new spaces for it to be used along with other world languages. In this process, Maya speakers, NGOs, associations, and institutes of Maya language, along with experts, researchers, and government sectors, have come together to create new paths which aim at promoting and strengthening the Maya language. However, there exist external factors which serve as obstacles to the creation of clear, pertinent, and feasible linguistic policies.

Lenguas indígenas en el mercado lingüístico: retos y perspectivas para la vitalidad del maya yucateco

In the Yucatec peninsula, Spanish and Yucatec Maya coexist in a diglossic context where Spanish is considered the high prestige variety, while Yucatec Maya is mainly spoken in informal, private settings. Even though there have been major changes in language policy over the last 25 years in order to protect Mexican indigenous languages, the number of Maya speakers is still declining. This article examines the effects of different economic factors on the vitality of Yucatec Maya, whose monetary, functional and idealistic values are being negotiated on the «linguistic market». From the region’s industrial and infrastructural transformation in the 1960s on, Yucatec Maya has been increasingly exposed to general tendencies of globalization (e.g. migration). Under the present circumstances, tourism can be seen as a double-edged sword for Yucatán: On the one hand, it is the peninsula’s main source of income, but on the other, it brings with it negative consequences for language use, the Maya speaker’s language (self) awareness and related processes of identity construction.

¿Señales de vitalidad? El uso de las lenguas indígenas en espacios de traducción públicos y semi-públicos

This article explores the relationship between ethnolinguistic vitality and translation in indigenous languages in Mexico. Based on a more general concept of vitality, the author examines how different institutional translation spaces, as well as translational practices, contribute to the vitality of indigenous languages. The practices under scrutiny are historical as well as contemporary, literary translation as well as oral and translation in linguistic landscapes. The voice of indigenous translators is analysed to complete the hypotheses of translation as a factor to be included in the list of vitality factors.

Experiencias de un proyecto de revitalización lingüística del hñähñu (otomí) del Valle del Mezquital, Hidalgo: de actores, discursos y prácticas

This contribution aims to share the experience gained with the implementation of a pilot project of language revival in four Otomi communities of the Valle del Mezquital, Hidalgo, Mexico. To account for the diverse and, at the same time, complex mosaic of various social, cultural, and political factors, examples are presented resulting from ethnographic findings. Examining ideological factors that affect the formation of speeches, decision making and implementation of actions, the author proposes a common approach for the revitalization of endangered languages. This approach combines academic and the speaker’s community’s personal interests in recovering their ancestral knowledge, and linguistic practices that have been displaced mainly by the increasing use of Spanish. In the light of the author’s experience, some aspects require a more thorough investigation to conceive and establish more effective and relevant language planning.


«Romanische Philologie» in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart Deutschlands: ergänzende Anmerkungen zu einem Beitrag von Wolfgang Schweickard

This contribution offers some complements and extensions to Wolfgang Schweickard’s article Sviluppo storico e situazione attuale della «Romanische Philologie» in Germania (ZrP 132, 2016, 922–937).


Qualche considerazione sui riflessi dell’italiano pugnale nelle lingue balcaniche e in turco-ottomano

The Italian word pugnale ‘dagger’ has been borrowed by several Balkan languages and Ottoman-Turkish, but some of these loans show a peculiar phonetic feature, namely the change of the vowel u to i in the first syllable. Two scholars, Gustav Meyer and Henrik Barić, tried to explain this feature by opposing arguments: according to Meyer the change originated in Turkish, whilst according to Barić in Albanian. This paper aims to reanalyze the whole question and demonstrate that Barić’s view is much likelier both for phonetic reasons and on the basis of documentary and lexicographical data.


Jennifer Gabel de Aguirre, La Chanson de la Première Croisade en ancien français d’après Baudri de Bourgueil. Édition et analyse lexicale (GILLES ROQUES)

Stefanie Fritzenkötter, Das akadische Französisch an der Baie Sainte-Marie/Neuschottland/Kanada. Ausgewählte soziolinguistische, morphosyntaktische und lexikalische Aspekte in einem jugendsprachlichen Korpus (EDITH SZLEZÁK)

Carolin Patzelt, Sprachdynamiken in modernen Migrationsgesellschaften. Romanische Sprachen und romanisch-basierte Kreolsprachen in Französisch-Guayana (EVELYN WIESINGER)

Giorgio Barachini, Il trovatore Elias de Barjols (ANTONELLA MARTORANO)

Daniel Kallweit, Neografie in der computervermittelten Kommunikation des Spanischen. Zu alternativen Schreibweisen im Chatnetzwerk www.irc-hispano.es (UTA FRÖHLICH)

Hans Schemann / Carmen Mellado Blanco / Patricia Buján / Nely Iglesias / Juan P. Larreta / Ana Mansilla, Idiomatik Deutsch-Spanisch / Diccionario Idiomático Alemán-Español (JOACHIM LENGERT)

Gaetana Maria Rinaldi (ed.), Antonio Veneziano, Libro delle Rime siciliane (TOBIAS LEUKER)

Fabio Sangiovanni (ed.), Tomaso da Faenza, Rime, Edizione critica con commento (CECILIA SIDERI)

Alessio Ricci, «Le dolci rime d’amor ch’i’ solia». Su alcuni imperfetti in prosa e in versi (RICCARDO GUALDO)

Anja Unkels, Persuasion im deutschen und italienischen Fußballspielbericht. Argumentation und Emotion (EVA LAVRIC)


Catalina Girbea (ed.), Armes et jeux militaires dans l’imaginaire. XIIe–XVe siècles (FRIEDRICH WOLFZETTEL)

Sergio Lubello (ed.), Manuale di linguistica italiana (MARCO MAGGIORE)


James Noel Adams / Nigel Vincent, with the assistance of Valerie Knight (edd.), Early and Late Latin: Continuity or Change? (JOHANNES KRAMER)

Anja Hennemann / Claudia Schlaak (edd.), Unternehmenskommunikation und Wirtschaftsdiskurse – Herausforderungen für die romanistische Linguistik (REGINA GÖKE)

Anne Carlier / Michèle Goyens / Béatrice Lamiroy (edd.), Le français en diachronie. Nouveaux objets et méthodes (MYRIAM BERGERON-MAGUIRE)

Elisa De Roberto / Raymund Wilhelm (edd.), L’agiografia volgare. Tradizioni di testi, motivi e linguaggi. Atti del congresso internazionale, Klagenfurt, 15–16 gennaio 2015 (MICHELE COLOMBO)


Stéphane Hardy / Sandra Herling / Sonja Sälzer (edd.), Innovatio et traditio – Festschrift für Franz-Josef Klein zum 65. Geburtstag (JOHANNES KRAMER)

Stefania Maffei Boillat / Alain Corbellari (edd.), L’aventure du sens. Mélanges de philologie provençale en l’honneur de François Zufferey (PAOLO GRESTI)


Julia Richter, Die Konstruktion von Reputation. Verweise auf Ferdinand de Saussure in der romanistischen Sprachwissenschaft (BERND SPILLNER)

Emanuele Arioli (ed.), Ségurant ou Le Chevalier au Dragon. Roman arthurien inédit (XIIIe–XVe siècles) (FRIEDRICH WOLFZETTEL)

Noémie Chardonnens, L’autre du même: emprunts et répétitions dans le «Roman de Perceforest» (LUKE SUNDERLAND)

Raymund Wilhelm (ed.), De diz comandemenz en la lei. Le décalogue anglo-normand selon le manuscrit BL Cotton Nero A.III: texte, langue et traditions (DARON BURROWS)

François Rouget (ed.), Dictionnaire de Pierre de Ronsard (WERNER HELMICH)

Raquel Suárez García (ed.), El compendio islámico de Mohanmad de Vera. Un tratado morisco tardío. Edición, estudio y glosario (WOLFGANG SCHWEICKARD)

Germà Colón Domènech, Origen i història del lèxic català (EDUARDO BLASCO FERRER †)

Rosario Coluccia, Storia, lingua e filologia della poesia antica. Scuola siciliana, Dante e altro (WOLFGANG SCHWEICKARD)


Giovanni Battista Ramusio, Dei Viaggi di Messer Marco Polo, Edizione critica digitale progettata e coordinata da Eugenio Burgio, Marina Buzzoni, Antonella Ghersetti, a cura di Eugenio Burgio e Samuela Simion


Eduardo Blasco Ferrer (15 giugno 1956–12 gennaio 2017)

Joachim Schulze (18. Februar 1938–25. Juli 2016)


(Stand: 20. Juli 2017)



Ersteller des Eintrags
Christian Schweizer
Donnerstag, 21. Dezember 2017, 15:59 Uhr
Letzte Änderung
Freitag, 22. Dezember 2017, 13:22 Uhr