Linguistic Landscape Studies. The French Connection (Sammelband)

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Rolf KailuweitMónica Castillo LluchClaus D. Pusch

Freiburg im Breisgau
Freiburger Romanistische Arbeiten 15
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978-3-7930-9935-2 ( im KVK suchen )
Thematik nach Sprachen
Frankophonie, Mehrsprachigkeit, Soziolinguistik, Linguistic Landscape Studies, Superdiversity


Despite some pioneering work on Linguistic Landscapes (LL) referring to French, comparatively few publications exist which are devoted to the LL in the francophone world. The objective of this collective volume is to bring together case studies within ‹francophone› areas in a broad sense as a basis for empirical research; i.e. spaces where French is involved either as a dominant or as a (sociolinguistically) subordinate language, or as a contact language. It deals with areas where French is the official language and/or where another (inter-)national language, regional languages with variable degrees of official recognition and/or non-territorialized languages of migrant communities are used apart from French.

The 11 chapters included in this volume explore various phenomena that are observable in the LL of regions in Europe (in France, Belgium, Switzerland and Italy), in the Middle East (Israel), in North America (Canada), the Caribbean (islands of Guadeloupe and St. Martin), and in the Indian Ocean (island of Réunion).


MÓNICA CASTILLO LLUCH / ROLF KAILUWEIT / CLAUS D. PUSCH: Linguistic Landscape Studies and the French-speaking world: An introduction to the present volume

ELIEZER BEN-RAFAEL / MIRIAM BEN-RAFAEL: Francophonies and Linguistic Landscapes: The case of Israel. A multi-faceted analysis

ROBERT BLACKWOOD: ‹Taste the Caribbean … mangé lokal … cuisine traditionnelle›: contested ideologies and food in Guadeloupe’s Linguistic Landscape

MÓNICA CASTILLO LLUCH: Reading diachrony in Linguistic Landscape synchrony: Spanish in Lausanne

HANNAH DAVIDSON: The role of French in the Linguistic Landscape of the German-speaking Community of Belgium

DEVA GRESA BARBERO: Linguistic Landscape in Roussillon and Vallespir: The projection of a minority language and its relationship to tourism

ROLF KAILUWEIT: Linguistic landscapes and regional languages in Southern France – a neo-semiotic approach to placemaking conflicts

JAKOB R. E. LEIMGRUBER: Montreal’s linguistic landscape: instances of top-down and bottom-up language planning

ANJA MITSCHKE: A psychological approach to the responses of passers-by to the Linguistic Landscape. A study in the city of Aosta

CLAUS D. PUSCH: The linguistic landscape of business in an ‘anglophone’ francophonie: Grand-Case (Saint-Martin / French West Indies)

EVA STAUDINGER: Creole in the linguistic landscape of La Réunion

MIEKE VANDENBROUCKE: Top-down policy in Flemish linguistic landscapes: the case of ‹Frituur Grand Place›



Ersteller des Eintrags
Claus D. Pusch
Montag, 06. Mai 2019, 11:28 Uhr
Letzte Änderung
Samstag, 11. Mai 2019, 14:33 Uhr