Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie (Zeitschriftenheft)

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Éva BuchiClaudia Polzin-HaumannElton PriftiWolfgang Schweickard

Juni 2020
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Thematik nach Sprachen
Literaturwissenschaft, Sprachwissenschaft


Der Themenkreis der Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie umfasst die Sprachwissenschaft in ihrer ganzen Breite sowie die mediävistische Literaturwissenschaft und die Editionsphilologie. Publikationssprachen sind Französisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch, Italienisch und Rumänisch sowie Deutsch und Englisch. Es erscheinen vier Hefte im Jahr.

Prof. Dr. Éva Buchi, Nancy
Prof. Dr. Claudia Polzin-Haumann, Saarbrücken
Prof. Dr. Elton Prifti, Wien
Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Wolfgang Schweickard, Saarbrücken

Daron Burrows, Oxford
Steven N. Dworkin, Ann Arbor
Maria Iliescu †, Innsbruck
Franz Lebsanft, Bonn
Michele Loporcaro, Zürich
Fernando Sánchez Miret, Salamanca
Luca Serianni, Rom
Friedrich Wolfzettel, Frankfurt am Main

Christian Schweizer, Saarbrücken



Charles Bonnier (1863–1926), un philologue européen de la Belle Époque

This contribution is dedicated to the French philologist Charles Bonnier (1861–1926), who dared to criticize the philological doxa of his time. As a result, Paul Meyer (1840–1917), one of the most influential philologists, refused his thesis at the École des chartes (Paris). Bonnier went to Germany, where he completed his doctorate at the University of Halle under the supervision of Hermann Suchier (1848–1914); later on he held teaching positions in England (Oxford, Liverpool). While Bonnier is regarded today as a pioneer of modern scripta research, his ideas and academic career still remain widely unknown.

Die «bösen Reichen». Die Trobadors und das Eigentum – von der Sozialpflichtigkeit bis zur Enteignung

In the Middle Ages, not only philosophers such as Thomas Aquinas, but also numerous troubadours have discussed with commitment issues of private property and its social obligations – up to expropriation. The discussion mainly took place in the context of their continuous polemics from about 1150 to 1300 in the form of sirventes and partimens, but also cansos, against the «evil rich barons», the rics malvatz. The antipathy towards this « incarnation of Malvestatz » and figure of greed, avarice and all varieties of immorality finds its outlet in many denunciations and hateful verbal aggressions in a wide rhetorical range – up to demands for prohibition of inheritance claims and suggestions for expropriation. The motivations for these insulting tirades are multiple and partly overlap: The ric malvatz is hated as rich and powerful and therefore often successful rival in love as well as one who refuses himself or his fortune for the Crusade, as a miser who denies the equality (including the poor) before God and above all as a territorial prince who tramples on his socio-cultural duty to promote and stabilize the troubadouresque cultural activity with its cultural-productive structure resulting from an important social compromise. It is remarkable, but also enigmatic, in which way a troubadour (Trobaire de Villa-Arnaut) combines his polemic against the rics malvatz with a formal experiment and how he legitimizes it with a clear reference to Giraut de Borneil.

La variación formal de los cuantificadores en catalán: estudio diacrónico (siglos XV‒XX)

This article studies the formal variation of the existential quantifiers u/un (‘one; a, an’), algú/algun (‘someone; some’), ningú/ningun (‘no one, anyone; any’) and the distributive universal quantifier cada u/cada un (‘everyone’) in Catalan. The research is based on an extensive diachronic corpus of texts written between the 15th and 20th centuries. The author classifies the syntactic structures of these quantifiers and analyses their meaning and formal vacillations: apocopated form ( without -n ) vs. non-apocopated form ( with -n ). Although hesitations tend to disappear gradually during the period under analysis, the uses of these quantifiers change in Catalan dialects. In fact, distinct geographical areas adopt different distributions of form and function. These linguistic changes are explained, highlighting the mutual influences and interactions between phono-syntactic, phonological, analogical and pragmatic factors.

Ecos de Cardeña: un testimonio olvidado de la Genealogía del Cid

At the end of the BNE MSS710806 manuscript an anonymous 16th-century hand copied a brief genealogy: in this paper I claim that this text is in fact a new attestation of the Genealogía del Cid, which only survives as an appendix to the Crónica particular del Cid (Burgos, 1512). This copy of the Genealogía reveals significant variants from the Burgos 1512 edition: it sets Cid’s death in July 1099 and it awards Alphonse X the Wise with the authorship of his epitaph. These historical facts were known to Berganza in the 18th century, who recorded them in his Antigüedades without revealing his sources. In this paper, along with the edition of the text, I suggest that this copy of the Genealogía was related to the monastery of Cardeña, with which Berganza was acquainted and which reveals new insights on the text genealogy.

La Grant Crónica de Espanya: reflexiones en torno a la incidencia de los procesos de lexicalización en su edición

This article aims to offer some methodological reflections in relation to the historical study of phraseology in Juan Fernández de Heredia’s work. Specifically, we intend to reflect on the incidence of lexicalization processes within the framework of the edition project of the Grant Crónica de Espanya by means of the study of the phraseological unit por mal querencia de / por malquerencia de. This is intended to highlight the need to preserve the original state of the text in its graphic aspect and, in the case at hand, at the point referred to the union and separation of words.

Aportaciones a la evolución castellana de F- latina en su contexto románico: del signo lingüístico al signo poético

The main objective of the current paper is the study of the aspiration process and its loss of Latin F- in Spanish during the Middle Ages in contrast with other peninsular languages from the metric of the texts written in verse (from the Auto de los Reyes Magos until the Cancionero of Juan del Enzina). The analysis of the sounds distributed along the metrical feet of the verses sheds light on the reconstruction of the phonological element which underlies in the spelling. The systematic application of the dyalepha and synalepha, according to each period, will allow us to obtain an accurate perspective of this phenomenon, as well as to place it in its appropriate variational level of usage.

Los tratamientos pronominales T/V en un contexto situacional de formalidad alta

This article analyses the usage of T/V forms of address in Peninsular Spanish in a context of high formality – four interviews on Spanish national television of ca. 40 minutes each to frontbench politicians by top political analysts. Whilst the interviewers used V consistently, from the different choices of T/V pronouns made by the interviewees a number of intriguing conclusions are inferred. Unlike previous research into the addressees’ social factors, this research shows that the addressees’ age, sex and power/authority did not necessarily have an impact on the speakers’ choice of T or V. Conversely, the factor common to those speakers who used T was their young age (not the addressees’). Additionally, the cases of variation within the same speaker’s speech, changing from V to T, were prompted by the speaker’s desire to implicate less solidarity in moments when they disagreed with their interlocutors. In sum, this research reveals that the choice of T or V, even in contexts of the highest formality, may depend on the speaker’s idiosyncrasy and will to express more or less distance with their addressee.

Die Macht der Bilder und Bilder der Macht: die sprachliche Konstruktion von Nationalismus und Konservatismus in der strategischen politischen Kommunikation von Vox España

From a theoretical and empirical linguistic point of view, this paper emphasizes the importance of the relationship between populism and the media. The aim of this article is to explore the language use of the Spanish right wing populism party Vox on the basis of its multimodal postings on the social network Instagram. For the analysis of their Instagram account, a suitable multimodal discourse analysis (MDA) provides a variety of methods and allows a theoretical integration into constructivism. A hashtag-analysis reveals that Vox ’s ideology consists of a nativist and ethnocentric nationalism on the one hand and conservatism on the other. With a topos analysis, the linguistic realisations of these core elements are illustrated with two case studies.

Correspondence, «cultural pilgrimage», and the transnational legitimation of philological and linguistic knowledge in Colombia, 1876–1911

During the last three decades of the nineteenth century and the first ten years of the twentieth, a small group of Colombian intellectuals became respected linguistic and philological authorities. Through their research on Spanish language, aboriginal languages and Latin classics – inspired by the historical and comparative paradigm for the study of language – they obtained recognition from the European scientific community, mainly in Germany and France. By focusing on Rufino José Cuervo, the most prominent Colombian philologist/linguist at the turn of the century, this article attempts to show that the successful integration of these intellectuals in transnational scientific networks, as well as their privileged position among the Spanish and Latin American letrados resulted mainly from two cultural practices: correspondence and «cultural pilgrimage». These practices played a key role in Cuervo’s strategy of cultural communication and transmission that aimed to establish contact with prominent figures in linguistic and philological studies in Europe in order to validate and legitimate his work, particularly his opinion on the question of the unity of the Spanish language.


Observations lexicales sur les champs sémantiques SOCIALISME et COMMUNISME dans une œuvre philosophique et contre-révolutionnaire de «science absolue» du XIXe siècle

This article focuses on certain semantic aspects within the vocabulary of French politics: in detail, how the meaning of words used in a political context changes through the ideas and theories of a particular social group. It aims more specifically at highlighting the relationship between ideology and word meaning in the philosophical text Principes de science absolue (1875).


Marcello Barbato, Incantamenta latina et romanica. Scongiuri e formule magiche dei secoli V–XV (FRANCESCO CRIFÒ)

Le dictionnaire Aalma. Les versions Saint-Omer, BM 644, Exeter, Cath. Libr. 3517 et Paris, BnF lat. 13032, édité par Brian Merrilees † et William Edwards; introduction et texte critique entièrement révisés et mis à jour par Anne Grondeux (WOLFGANG SCHWEICKARD)

Martin Glessgen / Johannes Kabatek / Harald Völker (edd.), Repenser la variation linguistique. Actes du Colloque DIA IV à Zurich (12–14 sept. 2016) (LUDWIG FESENMEIER)

Américo Venâncio Lopes Machado Filho, Novo dicionário do português arcaico ou medieval (WOLFGANG SCHWEICKARD)



Ersteller des Eintrags
Christian Schweizer
Freitag, 10. Juli 2020, 09:31 Uhr
Letzte Änderung
Samstag, 11. Juli 2020, 17:13 Uhr