'Storytelling' in the 'Spectators' / 'Storytelling' dans les 'spectateurs' (Sammelband)

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Klaus-Dieter ErtlerHans FernándezAlexandra FuchsElisabeth HobischYvonne Völkl

PIE Peter Lang
Die Aufklärung in der Romania, 13
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978-3-631-74841-1 ( im KVK suchen )
Thematik nach Sprachen
Französisch, Italienisch, Spanisch
Literaturwissenschaft, Medien-/Kulturwissenschaft
Moralische Wochenschriften; Storytelling


The Spectators, also known as Moral Weeklies, were an important magazine genre which came into being in the early 18th century and which shaped European identity by developing the strategies of critical journalism and by popularizing the ideas and values of the Age of Enlightenment. Investigating modes of storytelling in the Spectators is an important starting point for a paradigmatic investigation of our historical, cultural and philosophical evolution since the Enlightenment and the impact of these magazines on issues of identity in today’s Europe. In this collection on ‘Storytelling in the Spectators’, we present a series of contributions which study English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Czech, Polish and Danish-Norwegian periodicals.


Contents/Table des matières

Introduction 9

Claire Boulard Jouslin
From Telling Stories to Storytelling: Orality, Fiction and Politics
in the Spectator (1711–14) and the Female Spectator (1744–46) 17

Joseph Chaves
The Pastoral in Motion: Sociability in the Spectator 31

Amélie Junqua
Embroidering the loose Dress of the Spartan Maids—Text, Sex, and
Textile for Joseph Addison 41

Michael Griffin
Stories of Authorship, Politics, and Friendship: Hugh Kelly,
Oliver Goldsmith, and the Babler (1763–67) 51

Cornelis van der Haven
From Anecdote to Anecdote: The Chaotic Order of Storytelling in
Dutch Anti-Spectators around 1725 67

Yvonne Völkl
Raconter soi, raconter l’autre. Stéréotypes nationaux
dans les « spectateurs » de Justus van Effen 83

José de Kruif
Quantifying Spectators 99

Ellen Krefting
Society and Sentiment: (Hi)storytelling in Denmark’s
Den patriotiske Tilskuer (1761–63) 111

Klaus-Dieter Ertler
Migrations d’une pratique narrative : La Spectatrice danoise
de Laurent Angliviel de la Beaumelle 127

Aina Nøding
Radical Storytelling in the Age of Revolution:
Norway’s Provinzialblade (1778–81) 143

Misia Doms
On Searching and Finding. Narratives in the Medical Weekly
Der Tirolische Arzt 153

Hélène Boons
Le masque brisé : heurs et malheurs de la fiction
dans les « Spectateurs » de Jacques-Vincent Delacroix de part
et d’autre de la Révolution française 167

Katarzyna Chlewicka
Embedded in the Mainstream of Argumentation:
Narratives in Die mühsame Bemerckerin 183

Václav Smyčka
The Transformation of Stories in Bohemian Spectators
and the Problem of Observing Characters’ Minds 193

Maud Le Guellec
Escenificar el acto periodístico: escritura y lectura
en las micronarraciones de los “espectadores” españoles 205

Elisabeth Hobisch
“[U]n talento de soñar tan ordenada y metódicamente”:
la narración onírica en los “espectadores” españoles 221

Inmaculada Urzainqui
Historias y relatos en El Corresponsal del Censor (1786-1788) 237

Cinta Canterla
Republicanismo y liberalismo en el periódico La Pensadora Gaditana 255

Elisabel Larriba
Le journal de bord de El Argonauta español (1790) 273

Alexandra Fuchs
Narrare nei fogli moralistici italiani 289

List of Figures ….303



Ersteller des Eintrags
Klaus-Dieter Ertler
Donnerstag, 17. Dezember 2020, 09:26 Uhr
Letzte Änderung
Montag, 21. Dezember 2020, 10:59 Uhr