Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie (Zeitschriftenheft)

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Éva Buchi Claudia Polzin-Haumann Elton Prifti Wolfgang Schweickard

Dezember 2021
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Thematik nach Sprachen
Literaturwissenschaft, Sprachwissenschaft


Der Themenkreis der Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie umfasst die Sprachwissenschaft in ihrer ganzen Breite sowie die mediävistische Literaturwissenschaft und die Editionsphilologie. Publikationssprachen sind Französisch, Spanisch, Portugiesisch, Italienisch und Rumänisch sowie Deutsch und Englisch. Es erscheinen vier Hefte im Jahr.

Prof. Dr. Éva Buchi, Nancy
Prof. Dr. Claudia Polzin-Haumann, Saarbrücken
Prof. Dr. Elton Prifti, Saarbrücken
Prof. Dr. Dres. h.c. Wolfgang Schweickard, Saarbrücken

Daron Burrows, Oxford
Steven N. Dworkin, Ann Arbor
Maria Iliescu †, Innsbruck
Franz Lebsanft, Bonn
Michele Loporcaro, Zürich
Fernando Sánchez Miret, Salamanca
Luca Serianni, Rom
Friedrich Wolfzettel, Frankfurt am Main

Clara Comas Valls, Wien
Charlotte Siemeling, Wien



Hochfrequenz und Irregularität – zur Stammallomorphie bei (a)frz. al(l)er / (a)it. andare, (a)frz. venir / (a)it. venire und afrz. ester / (a)it. stare

Normally, verbs showing allomorphy due to phonological changes become more regular over time through intraparadigmatic analogy. There are verbs, though, such as auxiliaries, modals or basic verbs of movement which stay irregular, obviously due to their extremely high token frequency. Especially studies with reference to Germanic languages show that irregularity often relates to a development leading to a clear(er) distinction of single forms within a paradigm. The article examines the applicability of the concept of relevance developped by Bybee (1985), the significance of token frequency and other factors discussed in studies anchored in the usage based approach with regard to the French and Italian verbs aller / andare, venir / venire and – for Old French – ester (cf. the suppletive paradigm of être) and Italian stare, considering the development from Latin to modern French and Italian.

Commentaires sur des vers problématiques du manuscrit de Cambridge du Roland

There are three extant editions of the Cambridge version of The Song of Roland. However, only the last one – that is, the van Emden edition – has a detailed examination of verses that pose subtle difficulties. Thus, although the manuscript’s text has been established, except for a few incorrect or uncertain readings, a more comprehensive examination of the text has just begun. This paper exhaustively contemplates the nuanced interpretations, unconvincing expansions of abbreviations, lexical and morphologic problems, and linguistic particularities of the copyist of this edition. It also considers modifications of the text, interpretation of problematic verses, and editorial methodology. The aspects listed above are not rigidly categorised because every case involves several points of view. The author of this paper has almost accomplished a fresh edition of the same manuscript, Édition électronique du Roland de Cambridge, which will soon be made available. The present paper offers supplementary information for the readers of this edition.

Strategien zur Vermeidung von V-S im Französischen

French is a heavily postdetermining iambic language. This also implies that, in contrast to German, the subject-predicate sequence is dominant even though this is not a relationship of determination in the strict sense of the term. Despite the predominant iambic intonation pattern, postposition of rhematic subjects is only possible under certain conditions in modern French. This contrasts with Italian or Spanish in cases like Domani viene Maria/Mañana llega María. A French equivalent Demain vient Marie instead of Marie vient demain or also Demain Marie vient is no longer common today for reasons to be discussed. The central question to be answered is “By which means does French resolve the conflict of linearisation arising from the tension between the dominant rising intonation pattern and the ‘phobia’ of subject inversion even when the subject is rhematic?” A comparative analysis of translations is a viable method for discovering how French marks rhematic subjects when simple postposition is not a possible strategy. This approach shows how constructions with the subject in postposition, for instance in Italian, are rendered in their French translation.

Del manuscrito al registro actual: toponimia ribagorzana en textos medievales escritos en catalán

Catalan started to be used in writing in the 13th century like the other Romance languages of the Iberian Peninsula and gradually replaced Latin. This was the case in all its territories, including the County of Ribagorza. However, this written Catalan does not faithfully reflect the oral language of that time because it is very uniform, as can be seen in the 14th century manuscripts of the old archive of Roda de Isábena (Huesca). That written language is far away from the oral speech and the dialectal solutions of the Catalan spoken in Ribagorza, although the oral linguistic reality can be perceived through some features that come up regularly, as occurs in texts from other places in the area known as “Franja de Aragón” (eastern territories of Aragon in the border with Catalonia, with a large Catalan-speaking population). Toponyms are some of those elements that connect us with the Catalan spoken in the 14th century in Ribagorza. For this reason, in this work we offer a study of the place names mentioned in the 14th century documentation written in Catalan and kept in the archive of Roda de Isábena: we analyse linguistically each of the place names noted, and we verify if they have been preserved or if they have undergone any transformation until the present day.

Trafile dotte e popolari del latino nella lessicografia storica romanza (con particolare riguardo al Lessico Etimologico Italiano)

One of the main challenges of Romance etymology is the detection of borrowings from Latin into the Romance languages: a significant number of lexemes have been introduced by the educated classes and in Italoromance especially it is not always possible to distinguish these cases from those of “popular” transmission. Phonomorphological, semantic, diachronic, geo-linguistic, lexicological and other arguments can be implemented from time to time. They are applied here to the most recently published section of the Lessico Etimologico Italiano.


Boccaccio in Deutschland – oder: Zur gelegentlichen Blindheit des double-blind-peer-review -Verfahrens


Neues von den Sprach- und Sachatlanten

Problemas de método en el análisis de datos sociolingüísticos: el caso de Jerez de la Frontera


Alexander Loose (ed.), Compilatio singularis exemplorum (WOLFGANG SCHWEICKARD)

Martin Robert, Linguistique de l’universel. Réflexions sur les universaux du langage, les concepts universels, la notion de langue universelle (GEORGES KLEIBER)

René d’Anjou, Le Cuer d’amour espris, présenté, édité et traduit par Gilles Roussineau (ANDREA VALENTINI)

Sandra Issel-Dombert, Sprachgeschichte als Textsortengeschichte. Zur Linguistik der Beschwerde am Beispiel der « cahiers de doléances » (STEFANIE GOLDSCHMITT)

Georg A. Kaiser, Syntax des Französischen. Einführung und Vertiefung (STEFFEN HEIDINGER)

Poeti della corte di Federico II, a cura di Donato Pirovano (ROSARIO COLUCCIA)

Libro della natura degli animali. Bestiario toscano del secolo XIII, edizione critica a cura di Davide Checchi (FRANCESCO ZAMBON)

«Ad stellam». Il libro d’Oltramare di Niccolò da Poggibonsi e altri resoconti di pellegrinaggio in Terra Santa fra Medioevo ed Età moderna, a cura di Edoardo Barbieri (GIUSEPPE ZARRA)

Emanuele Ventura, La «Chirurgia Magna» di Bruno da Longobucco in volgare. Edizione del codice Bergamo MA 501, commento linguistico, glossario latinovolgare (ILARIA ZAMUNER)

Davide Mastrantonio, La coesione nell’italiano antico e i volgarizzamenti dal latino (FIAMMETTA PAPI)

Alberto Nocentini, Etimologi si nasce e io, modestamente, lo nacqui (ROSARIO COLUCCIA)

Rosario Coluccia, Conosciamo l’italiano? Usi, abusi e dubbi sulla lingua (CLAUDIO GIOVANARDI)


La fortune de Jean de Meun dans les lettres françaises. À la fin du Moyen Âge et à la Renaissance, sous la direction de Nicolas Lombart et Silvère Menegaldo (FRIEDRICH WOLFZETTEL)

Un trésor de textes. Images, présences et métaphores du trésor dans la langue et la littérature françaises. Études réunies par Anna Bettoni et Marika Piva, index des noms par les soins de Riccardo Benedettini (IOANA GALLERON)

Martin Hummel / Célia dos Santos Lopes (edd.), Address in Portuguese and Spanish. Studies in diachrony and diachronic reconstruction (STEFAN RUHSTALLER)

Storia dell’italiano. La lingua, i testi. Diretta da Giovanna Frosini (ROSARIO COLUCCIA)


Les cantiques Salomon translatez de latin en françoys. Édition critique par Tony Hunt (FRIEDRICH WOLFZETTEL)

Elisabeth Schmid, Poetik und Anthropologie. Gesammelte Aufsätze zum höfischen Roman (FRIEDRICH WOLFZETTEL)

The French works of Jofroi de Waterford, a critical edition by Keith Busby (GLYN S. BURGESS)

Furio Brugnolo, Dante poeta lirico. Esercizi di lettura (ROSARIO COLUCCIA)

Karin Mair (ed.), Mariano da Firenze: Libro delle degnità et excellentie del Ordine della Seraphica Madre delle Povere Donne Sancta Chiara da Asisi. Die Ursprünge des Klarissenordens (WOLFGANG SCHWEICKARD)

Lorenzo Tomasin / Luca D’Onghia (edd.), Parole veneziane, vol. 1: Una centuria di voci del «Vocabolario storico-etimologico del veneziano» (VEV) (WOLFGANG SCHWEICKARD)

Alberto Manco, Toponimi e etnici dell’Italia antica. Individuazione, classificazioni e concordanze dei dati (Lettera A). Saggio di un censimento (WOLFGANG SCHWEICKARD)


Ulrich Detges (2. April 1958–7. Februar 2021) (ESME WINTER-FROEMEL)



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Clara Comas Valls
Donnerstag, 31. März 2022, 08:31 Uhr
Letzte Änderung
Sonntag, 03. April 2022, 22:07 Uhr