Stadt: Padova, Italien

Frist: 2017-06-30

Beginn: 2017-08-28

Ende: 2017-09-01

Stellenumfang: 25


The Summer School is aimed at Master’s students, PhD students, young researchers, scholars and practitioners in the area of second language learning and teaching who already engage in or would like to become involved in theatre/drama activities and research into these. The Summer School will be divided into morning seminars, in which examples of good practice and research methodology will be presented by experts in the field. The afternoon sessions, instead will be devoted to practical workshop activities. The last morning will consist of a round table where participants will be encouraged to reflect on possible future collaboration and projects. A maximum of 25 participants will be able to sign up for the Summer School. There will be no registration fee, but all participants will be expected to attend all days of the School.

Seminars and workshops on:
inclusion in second-language drama;
non-verbal communication;
improvisation and devising;
working with texts;
Process Drama;
assessing language competence in drama projects;
researching second-language drama.

Speakers and facilitators
Jean-Rémi Lapaire, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, France
Erika Piazzoli, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Chiara Piola Caselli, Università di Perugia, Italy
Anna Santucci, Brown University, USA
Garret Scally, Manchester University, UK
Manfred Schewe, University College Cork, Ireland
Marie Line Zucchiatti, Università di Bologna, Italy

For further information contact:
Fiona Dalziel, Università degli Studi di Padova:
Filippo Fonio, Université Grenoble Alpes:


Monday 28th August – 10.00 – 13.00 Sala Scattola, Palazzo Maldura**
Registration and Welcome House-keeping Introducing ourselves Coffee break
Seminar 1: The State of the Art – Manfred Schewe Discussion

Monday 28th August – 15.00 – 18.30 University Language Centre**
Seminar 2: Voice training in foreign-language drama – Erika Piazzoli
Workshop 1:
Voice – Erika Piazzoli

Tuesday 29th August – 9.30 – 13.00 University Language Centre
Seminar 3: Process Drama and inclusion in second-language drama: a project with adult migrants – Erika Piazzoli/Fiona Dalziel Discussion
Workshop 2:
Non-verbal communication – Jean-Rémi Lapaire – 1.5 hours

Tuesday 29th August – 14.30 – 18.00 University Language Centre
Workshop 3:
Process drama – Erika Piazzoli

Wednesday 30th August – 10.00 – 18.00 University Language Centre
Seminar 4 + Workshop 4
Creative Collaboration and Group Devised Theatre – Garret Scally

Wednesday 30th August – 14.30 – 18.00 University Language Centre
Workshop 5:
Boal’s theatre of the oppressed and FL teaching – Anna Santucci

Thursday 31st August – 9.30 – 13.00 University Language Centre
Seminar 4:
Reading culture: from text to performance in second-language theatre Anna Santucci, Filippo Fonio (with Chiara Piola Caselli), Manfred Schewe Break

Thursday 31st August – 14.30 – 18.00 University Language Centre
Workshop 6 A & B:
Working with texts – English and Italian/French
A Italian/French: Marie-Line Zucchiatti, Filippo Fonio B English: Fiona Dalziel

Friday 1st September – 9.30 – 13.00
Drama and assessment – Jean-Rémi Lapaire, Filippo Fonio Drama and the curriculum – Anna Santucci
Round Table Discussion:
Researching second-language theatre and drama

Website & application form:

Beitrag von: Filippo Fonio

Redaktion: Marcel Schmitt