Borghini's Dilemma: Philology, Digital Editions and the Ideal State of the Text. Vortrag von H. Wayne Storey (Indiana University, Bloomington)
Stadt: Berlin
Frist: 2018-11-27
One of the principles of material philology is that every editorial representation of a literary work or document is a compromise that reveals as much about the editing culture as it does about the text it re-envisages. Using Vincenzo Borghini’s scientific and ethical dilemmas in the editing of Boccaccio’s Decameron (1575–1576) as a founding metaphor, this lecture addresses the theoretical and pragmatic issues at the nexus of philology and representation in the creation of digital editions. Drawing especially upon his years of editing Petrarch’s Fragmenta for the Petrarchive.Org Project, Professor Storey discusses a wide range of problems and solutions for born-digital editions, from the encoding of blank space as micro- and macro-punctuation to the concepts of “digital philology” and “dynamic-media representations” of texts and their components.
Einführung: Prof. Dr. Bernhard Huss
In englischer Sprache
Ort: Freie Universität Berlin, Habelschwerdter Allee 45, Raum L 115 (Seminarzentrum)
Beitrag von: Sabine Greiner