In the context of the current Covid-19 pandemic, border closures revealed the impact of borders and the relevance of cross-border cooperation for various aspects of life as well as a need for specialists in re/debordering processes.
Our Master in Border Studies provides students with major concepts and analytical tools to understand the social, cultural, political and economic challenges of border regions and cross-border cooperation. Students gain theoretical knowledge about border cultures, border literatures, border problems and constructions of “otherness.” Our trinational and trilingual program in the border area of the Greater Region offers many opportunities for students to develop their own interests and skills.

Why study Border Studies at the University of the Greater Region?

• Studying at 4 universities in France, Luxembourg and Germany in the heart of Europe
• A multicultural and multilingual study experience (English, French and German)
• An interdisciplinary study program with the possibility to specialize in either geography and spatial planning or language and cultural studies
• Joint diploma issued by four universities
• Financial support by Deutsch-Französische Hochschule/Université France-Allemande

Interested? Chat with us!
Presentation of our study program and live chat on May 10, 2021, 4 pm live on Zoom

Applications for our MA Border Studies program 2021 are open until:
• May 7, 2021 for non-EU students
• June 15, 2021 for EU students

Beitrag von: Vera Neusius

Redaktion: Robert Hesselbach