CfP: The 13th Linguistic Landscape Workshop: “Semiotic landscapes in educational spaces”
The annual Linguistic Landscape Workshop is the leading international meeting for interdisciplinary
research on language in public space. Previous editions have been held in Gothenburg (online 2021),
Bangkok (2019), Bern (2018), Liverpool (2017), Luxembourg (2016), Berkeley (2015) and elsewhere.
The 13th Linguistic Landscape Workshop (LL13) will take place from 7-9 September 2022 at
Universität Hamburg, Germany. We currently envisage an on-site event in Hamburg. Streaming
possibilities for keynotes and selected sessions are considered, subject to technical feasibility.
The conference theme – “Semiotic landscapes in educational spaces” – aims to showcase
interdisciplinary connections between linguistic landscape studies, language and literacy learning,
and language teacher education. It covers research on the semiotic landscape of educational spaces
(‘schoolscapes’) and on the linguistic/semiotic landscape as a resource for language and literacy
learning and teaching. As always, papers from the entire range of linguistic landscape studies are also
Keynotes (in alphabetical order):
- David Malinowski, San Jose State University, USA
- Elana Shohamy, Tel Aviv University, Israel
- Tamás Szabó, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
- Evelyn Ziegler, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany
Abstract submission:
Abstracts for single papers and panel sessions are invited.
Single papers: Each paper is given a 30-minute slot incl. discussion (20+10). Please submit an
abstract of max. 300 words. Deadline: 1 March 2022. -
Panel sessions: We invite a limited number of competitively selected panels, preferably focusing
on the conference theme. Panel sessions will comprise either three or six 30-minute slots, incl.
discussion. Please submit an outline of your panel topic and aims (max. 500 words) as well as
titles and short abstracts (max. 150 words) of all included papers. Deadline: 31 January 2022.
All submissions are managed on ConfTool:
Important dates:
- Deadline for panel proposals: 31 January 2022
- Notifications of panel acceptance: 20 February 2022
- Deadline for abstract submission: 1 March 2022
- Notifications of abstract acceptance: 15 April 2022
- Registration: Starting May 2022
On behalf of the local Organisation Committee
Jannis Androutsopoulos
Universität Hamburg & MultiLing, University of Oslo
Beitrag von: Lisa Marie Brinkmann
Redaktion: Robert Hesselbach