Tagung: Ladies in Arms: Representations of Shooting Women in Contemporary Popular Culture
Stadt: Wien
Beginn: 2022-10-19
Ende: 2022-10-21
In contemporary occidental popular culture, representations of shooting women abound: Super heroines, warrior goddesses and female avengers tote their weapons in movies, cartoons, comics and novels, advertisements and the shelves of toy stores; life plans of cowgirls, huntresses and female police officers and soldiers have seen a massive upswing in the past 30 years and are given not negligible attention in the media. This omnipresence of the gun-using female in the cultural imaginary is an indicator for its great potential to concentrate different discourses about gender, the legitimacy of violence and social cohesion and to expose the values, norms and attitudes of contemporary individuals, groups and societies. In this respect it comes as no surprise that the narrative of shooting women experiences most different assessments related to a great variety of identities.
Wed, Oct 19
1.00-1.30 pm: Teresa Hiergeist/ Stefanie Schäfer: Welcome and Introduction
1.30-2.30 pm: Keynote: Dagmar Ellerbrock (Dresden): Charming Degradation: On Female Gun Practices in Cultural, Legal and Political Culture
Panel 1: Soldiers
3.00-3.30 pm: Dora Kelemen (Freiburg): Heroism – Womanhood – Memory Politics: Women in Armed Forces in Soviet War Prose about World War II (1945-1991)
3.30-4.00 pm: Viktoriya Sukovata (Kharkiv): The “New Women with Weapons” in the late Soviet and post-Soviet Cinema
4.00-4.30 pm: Martin Holtz (Graz): The Limits of Empowerment – The Woman in Arms in Kayla Williams’s Memoir Love My Rifle More Than You (2005)
Thu, Oct 20
Panel 2: War Fighters
9.30-10.00 pm: Florian Grafl (Heidelberg): Ladies in Arms? Representations of milicianas in Contemporary Popular Culture at the Beginning of the Spanish Civil War
10.00-10.30 pm: Teresa Hiergeist (Vienna): The Difference between a Shooting and an Armed Woman: Representations of Louise Michel’s Militancy in Contemporary French Biographical Portraits
10.30-11.00 pm: Andrea Feldman (Zagreb): What is a Painter without a Gun? Nasta Rojc’s Legend for Our Time
Panel 3: Revolutionaries
11.30-12.00 pm: Lena Seauve (Berlin): Armed Resistance and Femininity in Chile. Gunwomen as Perpetrators in Fictional and Autobiographical Narration about the Last Military Dictatorship
12.00-12.30 pm: Katharina Gerund (Erlangen-Nürnberg): American Heroine, Black Revolutionary, Gunwoman: Harriet Tubman in Contemporary Popular Culture
12.30-13.00 pm: Stefanie Schäfer (Vienna): “Chicks Who Love Guns” and other Shooting Women in Quentin Tarantino’s American Historiographies
Panel 4: Hybrid Heroines
3.00-3.30 pm: Lisa Meinecke (Munich): “Do I look like the mother of the future?”: Sarah Connor’s Contested Femininities in the Terminator Franchise
3.30-4.00 pm: Simon Dickel (Essen): Feminism, Misogyny, and The World According to Garp
4.00-4.30 pm: Mareike Spychala (Bamberg) Not Citizen-Soldiers but Vigilantes: Female Superheroines in The Old Guard (2020)
4.30-5.30 pm: Keynote: Hilary Robinson (Loughborough): Representations of Women with Guns: Resistance, Re-appropriation, Revolution
Fr, Oct 21
Panel 5: Armed Subject – Armed Object
9.30-10.00 am: Jörg Türschmann (Vienna): Ladies and Arms: Quasi-objects in Luc Besson’s Cinema
10.00-10.30 am: Hridaya Ajgaonkar (Mumbai): Khoon Bhari Maangey: Violence and the ‘Good’ Women of Bollywood
10.30-11.00 am: Johanna Kluger (Bonn): “On Thursdays We Shoot”: Guns and Gender in Tessa Dare’s Spindle Cove Romance Novels (2011-2016)
Panel 6: Armed Agency
11.30-12.00 am: Stefanie Mayer (Vienna): Revenge is Beautiful? Reflections on Contemporary Filmic Representations of Women’s Vengeance in the Colombian Context
12.00-12.30 am: Xuan Truong (Freiburg): Baptism through Lead: Guns, Widows, and Revenge in Western Fiction
12.30-13.00: Ranthild Salzer (Vienna): Stepping on Patriarchal Pleasures? How Gun-toting Action Heroine Nikita Undermines Gender Norms
Beitrag von: Teresa Hiergeist
Redaktion: Redaktion romanistik.de