Im Rahmen des Mare-Balticum-Fellowship-Programms absolviert Assoc. Prof. Jeroen Vandaele von der Universität Gent derzeit einen Gastaufenthalt am Lehrstuhl von Prof. Buschmann an der Universität Rostock. Ziel des Programms ist es, Gastaufenthalte von nationalen sowie internationalen Wissenschaftler:innen zu fördern.

Assoc. Prof. Vandaele wird am 08.11. (Universität Rostock, UHG 217) um 19 Uhr einen Gastvortrag zum Thema „Can You Feel the Detail? On What It Takes to Translate Stories“ halten.

Translators of stories understand that many translation solutions are often available and that some are subtly yet crucially better than others for the purpose at hand. They know that choices greatly matter, however elusive the differences between several translation options. We may therefore say that translation experts have a special feeling for detail. But how can we explain that feeling or at least talk about it?

Beitrag von: Jose Manuel Blanco

Redaktion: Robert Hesselbach