This talk forms part of the speaker series Intersectionality from the Americas: Theories, Processes, Approaches, Practices, taking place throughout the winter semester 2024/25. Supported by the ScienceCampus and organised by Anne Brüske with Minerva Peinador, Barbara Aranda and Joanna Moszczyńska of DIMAS, this series will feature talks and an artistic performance. The talk will be held in German. Abstract in English is included below.

Date: 30 January 2025, 16:15 – 18:00h
Location: H 25, UR Campus & Online via Zoom

Abstract in the Language of the presentation:

Das Konzept der reproduktiven Gerechtigkeit wurde in den 1990er Jahren von Schwarzen Feministinnen in den USA mit dem Anspruch eingeführt, strukturelle Ungleichheiten und Gewaltverhältnisse rund um Abtreibung, Verhütung, Schwangerschaft, Geburt und Mutter/Elternschaft zu bekämpfen. In jüngster Zeit wird das Konzept zunehmend weltweit von intersektionalen Feminismen aufgegriffen und auf andere Kontexte übertragen. In dem Vortrag wird Susanne Schultz die Schwerpunkte dieses politisch-theoretischen Rahmenkonzepts vorstellen und einige Herausforderungen für eine feministische Politik des Kinderkriegens und der Mutter/Elternschaft ansprechen. Außerdem wird sie Ergebnisse ihrer Forschung zur Frage vorstellen, wie das Konzept von antirassistischen und basisorientierten Feminismen in Brasilien interpretiert und angeeignet wird.

Abstract in English:

The concept of reproductive justice was introduced by Black feminists in the USA in the 1990s with the claim to address structural inequalities related to abortion, contraception, pregnancy, birth and motherhood. More recently, it has been increasingly taken up by feminist intersectional politics in various contexts. In the lecture, Susanne Schultz will introduce the foci and orientations of this political-theoretical framework and adress some insights as well as challenges for feminist politics of reproduction. And she will present some results of her research on how the concept is being received and adopted by Black and popular feminist activism in Brazil.

Bio: Susanne Schultz is a sociologist and political scientist. She has taught at the Goethe University Frankfurt and the University of Vienna, and has conducted various research projects on biopolitics, human genetics, reproductive medicine, and demographic policies. Her main areas of research are bio- and necropolitics, relations of reproduction, state theory, racism and migration regimes, queerfeminist theory, and social movements, with a special focus on the Latin American region. She lives in Berlin and is involved with Respect, the organisation for the rights of undocumented migrants, as well as the Berlin Network for Reproductive Justice, among others. She currently works at the Institute of Sociology at the Goethe University in Frankfurt. She is the author of, among others, Reproductive Racism. Migration, Birth Control and the Specter of Population, Anthem Studies in Decoloniality and Migration (2023, Anthem Press: London)

Beitrag von: Barbara Aranda C.

Redaktion: Robert Hesselbach