Stadt: Verona

Frist: 2023-02-28

Beginn: 2023-09-28

Ende: 2023-09-30

The Laboratorio La.LiA and the Department of Cultures and Civilizations of the University of Verona kindly invite the submission of paper proposals for the seventh international conference of Names in the Economy, to be held in Verona 28-30 September 2023.
The focus of the conference will be on the theme Names in Times of Crisis: age of pandemy, energetic deficiency, and war.
Our interest lies in stimulating reflection on the changed communication to the consumers, in advertising and marketing strategies, in naming concerning sustainability and fairness. Furthermore, the discussion may involve the economic impact on various industry sectors, the analysis of brand reputation, and the challenge in finding names, which respect and invoke a green environment production. The current war scenario and the resulting problem concerning the energy supplies, the increased migration in the West European nations, and the political and social pressure pushing to depicting ambitious climate goals lead industry and advertising agencies to profound rethinks. Finally, the identification of potential new products and services needed to meet changes consumers’ needs and expectations after the pandemic lockdowns, given an increased media consumption.
The addressed fields of naming and branding are those of company names, brand names, names in slogans, advertising language and all other proper names that are of economic interest.
Analyzing names and advertising running through both the social media and the pressed material, the contributions may address issues reaching from commercial names to slogans for climate advertising, from branding rethinking to new communications strategies and consumers’ behaviours.
The involved disciplines – possibly tackled in an interdiciplinary pespective – are the different branches of linguistics, i.e. onomastics, commercial names in linguistic landscapes, sociolinguistics, semantics, names of protest movements, linguistic strategies in general, psycholinguistics, furthermore related fields such as marketing and law, but also international and political studies, history, cultural geography and social sciences.

We welcome proposals for oral presentations. The official conference languages are Italian, German, French and English.

Abstract submission: Please submit an abstract (max 500 words) by 28 February 2023 to
Reviewing of abstracts: by 31 March
Acceptance of proposals: by 15 April
Registration and payment: by 31 May 2023

Beitrag von: Holger Wochele

Redaktion: Robert Hesselbach